But here's her ass:

Lindsey Lohan's clothes and the body parts that pop out of them are objects of intense interest to Jenny of I Don't Like You That Way (+ ass), Trent of Pink is the New Blog, Hollywood Tuna . . . all of them, really. So the question is, why? Especially considering Trent's evident lack of reproductive interest in girls and Jenny's insistence on her interest in men.
Is it remarkable, the degree to which this teenager falls out of her clothes? At nineteen, isn't self-exposure the norm? Either through topless dancing in sweaty bars, topless marching in demonstrations, getting giggly over being topless on topless beaches in Southern France, expositions of one's most intimate thoughts on MySpace or MSN. . . Lohan is famous enough to be able to expose herself on television, which is perhaps even less remarkable than most of us young ladies having exposed ourselves elsewhere, because television is already full of bums and boobies and whatnot. So why in god's name is this woman interesting enough to write about on the almost daily basis so many gossip sites do?
I think it has something to do with her active relationship with gossip bloggers. Comfy-womfy . . . as evidenced by her cuddles and shout-outs to Trent of PITNB here and on TRL a few weeks ago. This approachability (working with the gossip blog medium in a conscious effort to maintain a notoriety beyond what could have been earned by her tiny body of film work) combined with her banality in terms of being a self-exposing 19 year old of girl-next-door kind of pretty must make her irresistible to gossip bloggers in search of a relationship with a relatively famous subject, even if her fame is an eat-its-own-tail sort of thing.
This becomes even more remarkable in terms of straight male gossip blogger's half-scornful, half-titillated attitude (explained nicely in Egotastic) to her supposedly 'wild' sexual life - which, once more, is probably not particularly remarkable in relation to that of most reasonably attractive, healthy, single, insecure 19 year old girls.
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